

So rarely do I write a log - being so, when it comes time that I do, you know immediately how important it must be, and this is certainly no exception.

I was recently on IMDb, reading about Baz Luhrman's upcoming epic Gone-With-The-Wind lookalike titled Australia. One of the main topics in the forum was titled 'Damned Collagen' in which the poster went on howling from the Hollywood Hills about how he or she was upset at the obvious addiction of botox, specifically with Nicole Kidman - the following individual noting her plastic look as of recent.

Whether or not it is addictive is not of my concern, rather the reasoning behind it. It didn't take much thought to discover the REAL intention behind BOTOX. Botox may have been created by a doctor, but it was, by no doubt in my mind, in collaboration with the Studio Execs of the film industry. By now you're wondering how I came to this conclusion, I'm sure. Well, let's do the math. From it's conception, the most you've heard about botox is from people that piss, shit and eat under the limelight. It wasn't hard for studio executives to stress it's importance to it's agents, and the agent's to their clients, but still, WHY? Well, my children, here is why...

Botox is in fact meant to, over some duration of time, lend a plastic exterior to those who use it regularly (i.e. The Average American Actor)... the aesthetic is not only appealing, but also begins to blur the line between what is real and what is imitation. When the line is blurred beyond comprehension and more Americans begin to notice, businesses like Weta Workshop will have advanced so drastically in terms of technology, that they will be able to replicate the image of actors on screen without the labor of any professionals.

Now, listen up. This revolution is NOT very far off at all. In fact, it's so close you can taste it. Is this an assumption? An estimate? No, merely piecing together the facts. An actors strike is beginning to seem more and more imminent in the coming months and WHEN it comes to be, WHAT do you think will happen!? THAT'S RIGHT! THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FILM ACTOR. NO LONGER WILL ANY OF YOU BE NEEDED IN THE TOWN OF GLITZ AND GLAMOUR. YOU WILL BE REPLACED BY MEN IN TIGHT SUITS WITH LIGHT BULBS ATTACHED TO THEIR BODIES IN SEEMINGLY-RANDOM POINTS.

Hollywood needs to get it's act together. Stop the botox. Start the strike. The sooner all this happens the higher the likelyhood is to keep your career a vibrant and healthy one instead of just looking that way.

Thank you.