
The Cookie Cutters

What a SHAM the 1950's were. Even the early 1960's.

Do your homework. I was just thinking of a plot I'd created a few years back based in the early 60's. It's a great period in our nation's history given the substantial amounts of political and social struggle that happened. But naturally with any period-piece you want to choose music that is from the decade... YOU CAN'T. Not with the 1960's! Everything was this Cookie Cutter doowop, crooning "Our pastelle-clad Wives & Children are grinning as they stand in the dog-shit-adorned front lawn".

Why didn't anyone see the opportunity to market to the depressive or the drunkards. Sure, you have Little Richard: Troubadour to the Gay's. Or Billie Holiday singing Strange Fruit... but other than that you don't see any seriously beaten and dispirited music until 67/68. What was wrong with our Country?! Why did it take an assassination and an anti-war movement to get the ball rolling on the somber recordings?

Now if you want to make a film about the decade you have to take the Tarantino route & have the characters dance & dance to something upbeat while you watch the sinister acts unravel - which may actually just make it seem that much more menacing.

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