
OCD Happens

And for me it's reoccuring around the hour of FOUR.A.M.

It's not so much OCD... It may be a bit more of an idiosyncrasy. Little things tend to bug me. Such as when I'm sifting through the iTunes "Cover Flow" and I'll stop on an album and notice that the album image doesn't fill the iTunes preferences, leaving a white gap on the top, bottom, left side, or sometimes all three. For example the Arcade Fire album, 'Funeral' has a large white border on the top and bottom I don't believe to be native to the tangible copy. And I think about this...

Also, one of my favorite things to do as of late is catch up on an entire tv series via DVD. My friend and I will start watching and after say, the first season, he tends to believe he's become so acquainted with the opening credits and theme song that he fast forwards through them, at times even skipping to the next chapter. I have two problems with this - First, this is likely a tv show others have found solace in and on some episodes if there happens to be the slump, you can COUNT on the opening credits to be the same ones you love and sing or hum along to, or if you have a particular interest in listening to Ron Howard's calming voice preceeding the following 24 minutes of hilarity. Furthermore, skipping a CHAPTER, and entire CHAPTER on the DVD sometimes skips ahead on the storyline. We're talking about essential exposition here (they often only have 24 minutes, your story is probably revealed after the first 30 seconds).

That's my RANT for the NIGHT/MORNING. And don't ask why I capatalize some words - some just feel as though they SHOULD be. DAMNIT.

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