
I Write A Web Log

There's a certain history behind the word "BLOG" that not everyone is aware of. It is a hybrid of the two words WEB+LOG. Lazy bastards then abbreviated the word to BLOG... shortening a formerly 6 letter word... to 4 letters... 2 letters less. This is a lesson in english as well as math.

Now it's a given that the word Blog will be recanted in the future and you will find it's use extinct.

Why? WHY? Because when someone says BLOG... The first thought that enters your mind is likely the 1958 horror film.

If not that, perhaps the remake of the flick in 1988. Either way it's a B-rated independent horror film.

The Blob serves as a blemish on the filmography of many of today's Greats. Steve McQueen was the headliner of the original. The remake served as one of Frank Darabont's first big screenwriting credits and if you really want to make a stretch you might include Kevin Dillon and call to the conversation his future success with the HBO television show Entourage. Nonetheless, The Blob was not the stepping stone for the actors and/or writers (maybe Kevin Dillon).

So are we equally safe in assuming we may see future stars' past include a Blog or two? Well there's the recently praised Diablo Cody - though most will mention her films and memoir before the Blog. Time will tell, but for now, I refuse to be a "blogger" or the author of a 'blog'. If anything, you can reference the LOG I keep.

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