
Statement Cookies

Fortune Cookies have become quite anomalous. Don't you think?

Naturally you order take-out Chinese Food and they throw in a few 'Fortune Cookies'. It typically doesn't matter if it's an American-owned restaurant or otherwise, as soon as you open that 'Fortune Cookie', they all have one thing in common. There's no fortune.

Case In Point:

I'm currently vying for the revision of the delectable Post-Orange Chicken dessert to be named the 'Statement Cookie'. Often it reads something like the 'Fortune' my sister got tonight, "You are very practical and analytical." This could easily be followed up with an authentic fortune, "This will become evident tomorrow when you involve yourself in a thorough debate pertaining to how grounded you are or aren't but ultimately leave that to be decided by your peers." But it never is... the very worst is when it's simply a command, "Giggle!"... What the hell?

In the end we are left with an ultimatum:

Change it to "Statement Cookie" or start printing real fortunes on the damn piece of paper!

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